Monday, October 18, 2021

Mostly Shadowlands!!


I leveled almost exclusively in Shadowlands this week. I leveled Flictionbrit in Maldraxus and got her to level 56. She's done about 5/7 chapters there. Here she is at the seat of the Primus (where you have to go to empower all the runes). I'm really enjoying leveling in Shadowlands again, and especially with a Warlock :)

She's leveling her mining like crazy too. She's up to about 120 now. But Engineering is going very slowly. She's at about 30 now. I did do a little bit of Madbrit too this week, on Silver Hand, but she stayed at level 47.

I really didn't play much because I didn't have a lot of time off work this week. I should be playing more next week.

Silver Hand:

Mentalbrit (60) (Herbalism/Inscription) iLvL 191 - Human/Warlock
Lavabrit (51) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Draenei/Shaman
Insanebrit (60) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvL 138 - Human/Priest
Crazybrit (51) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Gnome/Hunter
Battybrit (51) (Skinning/Leatherworking)- Human/Hunter
Loopybrit (51) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Death Knight
Derangedbrit (50) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Human/Rogue
Looneybrit (49) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Warrior
Madbrit (47) (Mining/Engineering) - Human/Monk
Lunaticbrit (45) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Human/Mage
Dementedbrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Paladin
Maniacbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Night Elf/Druid
Bonkersbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Void Elf/Warlock


Lockybrit (52) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Blood Elf/Warlock
Voidbrit (52) (Herbalism/Enchanting) - Blood Elf/Warlock
Nbornebrit (51) (Herbalism/Alchemy)- Nightborne/Warlock
Huntingbrit (52) (Mining/Engineering) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Beastybrit (60) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - iLvL 140 - Blood Elf/Hunter
Priestybrit (51) (Herbalism/Tailoring)- Undead/Priest
Trappybrit (45(Skinning/Leatherworking) 
Blood Elf/Hunter
Pallybrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Blood Elf/Paladin
Shammybrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Orc/Shaman 
Elfybrit (45) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Blood Elf/Priest
Combatbrit (45(Mining/Jewelcrafting) Blood Elf/Rogue
Zandybrit (45) (Herbalism/Insciption) - Zandalari Troll/Hunter
Vulpybrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Vulpera/Warlock


Felbrit (51) (Mining/Engineering) - Human/Warlock
Draenybrit (51) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Draenei/Hunter
Voidbrit (51) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Warlock
Priestybrit (51) (Herbalism/Tailoring) - Human/Priest
Elfyvoidbrit (51) (Herbalism/Mining) - Void Elf/Warlock
Shammybrit (46) (Herbalism/Mining) - Draenei/Shaman
Stabbybrit (45) (Skinning/Mining) - Gnome/Rogue
Demonbrit (45) (Herbalism/Mining) - Night Elf/Demon Hunter
Beastybrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Hunter
Lightbrit (45) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Lightforged Draenei/Paladin
Frostybrit (45) (Herbalism/Enchanting)- Human/Mage


Flictionbrit (56) (Mining/Engineering) - Gnome/Warlock
Unstablebrit (51) (Herbalism/Enchanting) - Human/Warlock
Flayingbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Priest
Draenybrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing)- Draenei/Shaman
Gnomeybrit (45) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Gnome/Priest
Fengsuibrit (45) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Pandaren/Hunter
Boomybrit (45) (Herbalism/Mining) - Night Elf/Druid 
Blizzybrit (45) (Mining/Jewelcrafting)- Draenei/Mage
Pallybrit (45) (Tailoring/Blacksmithing) - Human/Paladin
Bamboodbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Pandaren/Priest
Kultiranbrit (45) (Herbalism/Mining) - Kul Tiran/Hunter

Echo Isles:

Shaolinbrit (45) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Pandaren/Monk
Slealthybrit (45) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Pandaren/Rogue

That's all for this week. Finishing up Maldraxus and getting into Ardenweald next week, and maybe leveling Madbrit a bit.


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