Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Nearly There!!


By 'Nearly There', I mean that both the characters that I am leveling are getting close to 60. OMG - then I have to grind renown and anima. Am I really going to do that? Probably not. I'll probably just level more to 60, or indeed, get more to 50 and into Shadowlands.

Beastybrit has got the furthest. She's 79% of the way through level 59 and will be hitting 6 this week, once I have more days off towards the end of the week.

She's 5/7 Chapters of Revendeth done. It'll be a close call whether she finishes Revendreth first, or gets to 60 first. I'm betting she gets to 60 first actually, and then has to finish Revendreth before choosing a covenant. Insanebrit also got to level 59, but is only 3/7 Chapters done, and is sitting at about a third of level 59 complete.

That's pretty much all I've done this week. I just had a few sessions of play yesterday pretty much. My elbows are doing OK, but are still not great.

I didn't play on Mentalbrit at all. I'm not doing Korthia any more, and certainly not doing any Torghast!!


Lockybrit (52) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Blood Elf/Warlock
Voidbrit (52) (Herbalism/Enchanting) - Blood Elf/Warlock
Nbornebrit (51) (Herbalism/Alchemy)- Nightborne/Warlock
Huntingbrit (52) (Mining/Engineering) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Beastybrit (59) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Priestybrit (51) (Herbalism/Tailoring)- Undead/Priest
Trappybrit (45(Skinning/Leatherworking) Blood Elf/Hunter
Pallybrit (42) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Blood Elf/Paladin
Shammybrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Orc/Shaman 
Elfybrit (40) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Blood Elf/Priest
Combatbrit (40(Mining/Jewelcrafting) Blood Elf/Rogue
Zandybrit (40) (Herbalism/Insciption) - Zandalari Troll/Hunter
Vulpybrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Vulpera/Warlock

Silver Hand:

Mentalbrit (60) (Herbalism/Inscription) iLvL 191 - Human/Warlock
Lavabrit (51) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Draenei/Shaman
Insanebrit (59) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Human/Priest
Crazybrit (51) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Gnome/Hunter 
Battybrit (51) (Skinning/Leatherworking)- Human/Hunter
Loopybrit (51) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Death Knight
Derangedbrit (50) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Human/Rogue
Looneybrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Warrior 
Madbrit (45) (Mining/Engineering) - Human/Monk 
Lunaticbrit (45) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Human/Mage 
Dementedbrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Paladin 
Maniacbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Night Elf/Druid
Bonkersbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Void Elf/Warlock


Felbrit (51) (Mining/Engineering) - Human/Warlock
Draenybrit (51) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Draenei/Hunter
Voidbrit (51) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Warlock
Priestybrit (51) (Herbalism/Tailoring) - Human/Priest
Elfyvoidbrit (51) (Herbalism/Mining) - Void Elf/Warlock
Shammybrit (46) (Herbalism/Mining) - Draenei/Shaman
Stabbybrit (45) (Skinning/Mining) - Gnome/Rogue
Demonbrit (41) (Herbalism/Mining) - Night Elf/Demon Hunter
Beastybrit (40) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Hunter
Lightbrit (40) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Lightforged Draenei/Paladin
Frostybrit (40) (Herbalism/Enchanting)- Human/Mage


Flictionbrit (51) (Mining/Engineering) - Gnome/Warlock
Unstablebrit (49) (Herbalism/Enchanting) - Human/Warlock
Flayingbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Priest
Draenybrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing)- Draenei/Shaman
Gnomeybrit (45) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Gnome/Priest
Fengsuibrit (45) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Pandaren/Hunter
Boomybrit (42) (Herbalism/Mining) - Night Elf/Druid 
Blizzybrit (41) (Mining/Jewelcrafting)- Draenei/Mage
Pallybrit (41) (Tailoring/Blacksmithing) - Human/Paladin
Bamboodbrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Pandaren/Priest
Kultiranbrit (40) (Herbalism/Mining) - Kul Tiran/Hunter

Echo Isles:

Shaolinbrit (40) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Pandaren/Monk
Slealthybrit (45) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Pandaren/Rogue

That's all for this week. I hope to get both Beastybrit and Insanebrit both to 60 next week.


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