Monday, March 8, 2021

More Into Shadowlands!!


I played on my days off again last week. I got a bit done, but playing only half an hour at a time did impede my progress quite a bit. I got Voidbit and Huntingbrit through the Shadowlands intro, and then leveled Beastybrit to 50 (because I wanted to try out Skinning/LW in Shadowlands, and be able to make gear for Voidbrit to DE). I did level Priestybrit to 45 too. I was going to get her to 50, but decided to to Beastybrit instead.

Beastybrit in Oribos

They are all in Oribos. Only Lockybrit and Beastybrit have made it into Bastion as of now. They are both nearly 52 now. I think I'll level Beastybrit more before getting back on Lockybrit. I'll take Voidbrit there after Beastybrit has made some gear.

I must admit, I'm not really enjoying Bastion very much. The initial quests are nearly all just doing stuff and killing things in areas not in the open world. I am used to them now though, so they don't take much time on each character. I also know to complete one quest other than the Campaign quests, so that they don't get stuck towards of the end of Bastion, needing to get to level 53.

Lockybrit (51) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Blood Elf/Warlock
Voidbrit (51) (Herbalism/Enchanting) - Blood Elf/Warlock
Nbornebrit (51) (Herbalism/Alchemy)- Nightborne/Warlock
Huntingbrit (51) (Mining/Engineering) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Beastybrit (51) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Trappybrit (45(Skinning/Leatherworking) Blood Elf/Hunter
Priestybrit (45) (Herbalism/Tailoring)- Undead/Priest
Shammybrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Orc/Shaman 
Elfybrit (40) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Blood Elf/Priest
Combatbrit (40(Mining/Jewelcrafting) Blood Elf/Rogue
Pallybrit (41) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Blood Elf/Paladin
Zandybrit (40) (Herbalism/Insciption) - Zandalari Troll/Hunter
Vulpybrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Vulpera/Warlock

Silver Hand:

Mentalbrit (60) (Herbalism/Inscription) iLvL 144 - Human/Warlock
Lavabrit (51) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Draenei/Shaman
Insanebrit (54) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Human/Priest
Crazybrit (50) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Gnome/Hunter 
Battybrit (50) (Skinning/Leatherworking)- Human/Hunter
Loopybrit (50) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Death Knight
Derangedbrit (50) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Human/Rogue
Looneybrit (41) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Warrior 
Madbrit (40) (Mining/Engineering) - Human/Monk 
Lunaticbrit (40) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Human/Mage 
Dementedbrit (40) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Paladin 
Maniacbrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Night Elf/Druid
Bonkersbrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Void Elf/Warlock


Felbrit (50) (Mining/Engineering) - Human/Warlock
Draenybrit (50) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Draenei/Hunter
Voidbrit (50) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Warlock
Priestybrit (50) (Herbalism/Tailoring) - Human/Priest
Elfyvoidbrit (50) (Herbalism/Mining) - Void Elf/Warlock
Shammybrit (46) (Herbalism/Mining) - Draenei/Shaman
Stabbybrit (45) (Skinning/Mining) - Gnome/Rogue
Demonbrit (41) (Herbalism/Mining) - Night Elf/Demon Hunter
Beastybrit (40) (Mining/Blacksmithing) - Human/Hunter
Lightbrit (40) (Herbalism/Inscription) - Lightforged Draenei/Paladin
Frostybrit (40) (Herbalism/Enchanting)- Human/Mage


Flictionbrit (50) (Mining/Engineering) - Gnome/Warlock
Unstablebrit (46) (Herbalism/Enchanting) - Human/Warlock
Flayingbrit (45) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Human/Priest
Draenybrit (45) (Mining/Blacksmithing)- Draenei/Shaman
Gnomeybrit (45) (Tailoring/Enchanting) - Gnome/Priest
Fengsuibrit (45) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Pandaren/Hunter
Boomybrit (42) (Herbalism/Mining) - Night Elf/Druid 
Blizzybrit (41) (Mining/Jewelcrafting)- Draenei/Mage
Pallybrit (41) (Tailoring/Blacksmithing) - Human/Paladin
Bamboodbrit (40) (Herbalism/Alchemy) - Pandaren/Priest
Kultiranbrit (40) (Herbalism/Mining) - Kul Tiran/Hunter

Echo Isles:

Shaolinbrit (40) (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - Pandaren/Monk
Slealthybrit (45) (Skinning/Leatherworking) - Pandaren/Rogue

That's about it. As I said, I'm leveling on the Horde side right now, and hope to get Beastybrit further in Bastion and get some of the others leveling there too.


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