After all the leveling this week, I got all my characters to at least level 60. They all got basic flying, and they are now all primed to get to 68 and hit Northrend. I know that you can choose either, but with mining and herbalism, I have to got in the correct order because of the way herbs and ore work in those zones. I make sure they all hearth in Scryers Tier in Shattrath. I choose Scryers because it's easy to get your professions started for Outland there.
Zandybrit in Shattrath |
There was some gearing up on my 120s this week. I realized that they all hadn't visited Magni in Silithus to get their neck piece level up. So I make sure to do that. Then they got some higher level pieces from doing World quests to get War Resources, or for 2K emissary.
Taking of 8.2, I played the PTR a bit this week. They fixed the crashing getting to Mechagon, so I was able to play Mechagon a bit. It was just what I thought. Swarming mobs that take a lot to kill and so it's pretty horrible for casual players, and those who like playing on their own. Ahh well. I've got to do it to get flying, so I guess I've just got to suck it up.
That's pretty much it this week. There was some selling of stuff on Silver Hand, but nothing on other realms.
Ghostlands: Base: 500K x 6, 2K x 5. Priestybrit: 317,232
Silver Hand: Base - 500K x 4, 2K x 3. Battybrit: 185,101
Garrosh: Base: 500K x 2, 2K x 5. Voidbrit 485,700
Draenor + EI: Base: 500K x 6, 2K x 5. Boomybrit: 168,849
Overall Base: 9 Million + 36K => 9,036,000
Characters: 1,156,882
That's a total of 10,192,882.
Lockybrit (120) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 370
Voidbrit (120) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 361
Nbornebrit (120) - Nightborne/Warlock - iLvL 338
Huntingbrit (113) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Beastybrit (110) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Trappybrit (110) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Priestybrit (101) - Undead/Priest
Shammybrit (101) - Orc/Shaman
Elfybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Priest
Mageybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Mage
Combatbrit (101) - Blood Elf/Rogue
Pallybrit (102) - Blood Elf/Paladin
Zandybrit (62) - Zandalari Troll/Hunter
Silver Hand:
Mentalbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 367
Lavabrit (120) - Draenei/Shaman - iLvL 354
Insanebrit (111) - Human/Priest
Crazybrit (111) - Gnome/Hunter
Battybrit (110) - Human/Hunter
Loopybrit (110) - Human/Death Knight
Derangedbrit (101) - Human/Rogue
Looneybrit (91) - Human/Warrior Madbrit (73) - Human/Monk
Lunaticbrit (64) - Human/Mage
Dementedbrit (64) - Human/Paladin
Maniacbrit (60) - Night Elf/Druid
Bonkersbrit (60) - Void Elf/Warlock
Felbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 357
Draenybrit (120) - Draenei/Hunter - iLvL 352
Voidbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 357
Shammybrit (112) - Draenei/Shaman
Priestybrit (111) - Human/Priest
Elfyvoidbrit (110) - Void Elf/Warlock
Stabbybrit (110) - Gnome/Rogue
Demonbrit (103) - Night Elf/Demon Hunter
Beastybrit (80) - Human/Hunter
Lightbrit (60) - Lightforged Draenei/Paladin
Frostybrit (60) - Human/Mage
Flictionbrit (120) - Gnome/Warlock - iLvL 325
Flayingbrit (110) - Human/Priest
Draenybrit (110) - Draenei/Shaman
Gnomeybrit (110) - Gnome/Priest
Fengsuibrit (110) - Pandaren/Hunter
Unstablebrit (110) - Human/Warlock
Boomybrit (105) - Night Elf/Druid
Blizzybrit (101) - Draenei/Mage
Pallybrit (101) - Human/Paladin
Bamboodbrit (101) - Pandaren/Priest
Kultiranbrit (71) - Kul Tiran/Hunter
Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (101) - Pandaren/Monk
Slealthybrit (110) - Pandaren/Rogue
That's it for this week. More leveling next week.
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