Monday, July 10, 2017

Now Living in Florida!


Sorry about no blog post last week. We were on the road, and I didn't really have time to post.

We arrived in Florida on Saturday, and are now in our rental until our house is finished (probably September). We got Internet set up the first day, and so I've been able to play and can update the blog.

What's been going on in the last two weeks. Just playing Fengsuibrit. I completed Good Suramartarian, and she's getting very close to have flying. Three regular reps are left to get to revered, and Legionfall too. The three regular are very close, and Legionfall is just a matter of grinding the world quests there etc.

So, I also started leveling another character. I wanted an easy one, so I chose my Warlock, Flictionbrit. She made it to 103 and is still questing in Azsuna. It's been fun leveling again and not doing World Quest after World Quest :). I'm still determined to get flying asap though.

Fengsuibrit also did Gates Of Hell LFR. It was quite fun. I thought she might complete a couple of Legionfall quests there, but I guess those are for the future wings, yet to open.

Fengsuibrit got a lot of upgrades over the last two weeks, and is now 881. Flictionbrit got up to 722.

On the gold front, Fengsuibrit is just chugging along making 50g per world quest, and vendoring everything. She's also selling stuff on the AH, but that's not going so well right now. I'll have a full gold update in a week or so, after I've bought another token (which I need to in the next couple of days).

Insanebrit (110) - Human/Priest - iLvL 852
Lavabrit (110) - Draenei/Shaman - iLvL 829
Crazybrit (102) - Gnome/Hunter - iLvL 703
Looneybrit (62) - Human/Warrior 
Loopybrit (105) - Human/Death Knight - iLvL 703
Mentalbrit (62) - Human/Warlock 
Derangedbrit (101) - Human/Rogue - iLvL 683
Madbrit (63) - Human/Monk 
Lunaticbrit (62) - Human/Mage 
Dementedbrit (62) - Human/Paladin 
Battybrit (68) - Human/Hunter 
Maniacbrit (36) - Night Elf/Druid 


Priestybrit (101) - Human/Priest - iLvl 708
Draenybrit (102) - Draenei/Hunter - iLvl 702

Demonbrit (102) - Night Elf/Demon Hunter - iLvl 685 
Stabbybrit (101) - Gnome/Rogue - iLvl 676
Shammybrit (68) - Draenei/Shaman 
Platebrit (46) - Gnome/Warrior 
Felbrit (32) - Human/Warlock 
Beastybrit (32) - Gnome/Warrior 
Frostybrit (32) - Gnome/Warrior 


Flayingbrit (101) - Human/Priest - iLvl 698
Draenybrit (101) - Draenei/Shaman - iLvl 698
Gnomeybrit (101) - Gnome/Priest - iLvl 703
Flictionbrit (103) - Gnome/Warlock - iLvl 772
Fengsuibrit (110) - Pandaren/Hunter - iLvl 881
Blizzybrit (101) - Draenei/Mage - iLvl 693
Boomybrit (101) - Night Elf/Druid iLvl 694
Unstablebrit (101) - Human/Warlock - iLvl 694
Pallybrit (101) - Human/Paladin - iLvl 704
Bamboodbrit (101) - Pandaren/Priest - iLvl 695

Echo Isles:

Shaolinbrit (101) - Pandaren/Monk - iLvl 695
Slealthybrit (101) - Pandaren/Rogue - iLvl 692


Priestybrit (101) - Undead/Priest - iLvl 709
Beastybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Hunter - iLvL 705

Shammybrit (101) - Orc/Shaman - iLvL 705
Elfybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Priest - iLvL 706 
Lockybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 706
Huntingbrit (101) - Blood Elf/Hunter - iLvL 704 
Voidbrit (101) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 705
Trappybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Hunter - iLvL 703
Mageybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Mage - iLvL 704
Combatbrit (101) - Blood Elf/Rogue 
- iLvL 704
Pallybrit (101) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin - iLvL 684

That's all for this week. Our rental furniture comes tomorrow, and our stuff from California later in the week. The plan is to hopefully get Flying, but make lots of progress if not, and level Flictionbrit a bit.


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