Monday, January 18, 2016

Apexis Bonus Time!


Yep, it's the Apexis Bonus event this week. So? You might say. Getting bonus apexis off mobs is kind of meh. But, the weekly quest 'A Time to Strike', that you complete by doing 5 Apexis bonus areas, is the easiest of all the bonus event ones to complete. Just do the daily, and then 4 more, and bingo, 1000 Oil, 1000 GRs, 5000 Apexis, and 500 Valor. I started doing this on my lowest geared characters first, to get them better geared up.

As of now, I have completed on 6 out of 10 characters, and hope to finish on the other 4 by the end of today (because I have the day off for MLK day).

That's what I've mostly been doing this week. I've also done Kazzak on 6 out of 10 characters, but haven't had as much time to play as normal, as we've had friends staying with us for a few days.

So, it's really been about gearing up, and doing Tanaan this week. Other than that, it's been AHing stuff for gold, doing garrison chores, and to be honest, not much else. Magey and Combat did get their garrisons fully fleshed out and are now contributing to the gold total. Also, a couple of notable Gold things this week were two Bligtron missions for 4K each, and a 6K card on my scribe. A very good week for gold.

Master Plan:
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 100.

COMPLETED. 100/100 100%

Gearing: Get each character to 690. Counting 600-690. Out of 900.

Lots of upgrades this week. 857/900 95.2%

Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 180 (given 6.2).

A few more upgrades this week. 142/180 78.9%

Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 20.


Nothing new this week. 17/20 85% 

Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on all to 700. Counting each prof. Out of 40.

Nothing new this week. 13/40 32.5%

Complete Draenor: Each zone complete and Bonus Objectives complete. Out of 50.
Nothing new this week. 30/50 60%

Guild Achievements: Get to 200.

Nothing new this week. 100/200 50%

Gold: Get to 500K Gold on each character. Out of 5M.

A good week. 1,463,000/5,000,000 29.3%

Dreanor Reps: Get 3 Draenor reps Exalted on each character. Out of 30.

Nothing yet. 0%

Followers: Get 21/22 followers on each character to 675. Out of 215.

Nothing new this week. 86/215 40%

Overall Plan progress = 57.1%

Very little progress.

Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (100) - Undead/Priest (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 697
Beastybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvL 695

Shammybrit (100) - Orc/Shaman (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvL 692 
Elfybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining 700/ Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvL 690 
Lockybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvL 687
Huntingbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Mining 700/Engineering 700)
 - iLvL 684 
Voidbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Warlock (Herbalism 700/Enchanting 710- iLvL 677
Trappybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 655) - iLvL 679
Mageybrit (100) - Blood Elf/Mage (Herbalism 700/Tailoring 567- iLvL 677
Combatbrit (100) - Blood Elf/Rogue (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 639)
 - iLvL 675

Pallybrit (100) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin (Mining 620/Blacksmithing 349)

Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor: 

Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 665
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 660
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 665
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 663
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 675
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710- iLvl 666
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 666
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Enchanting 700- iLvl 663
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 660
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 658
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)  

Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (100) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 660
Slealthybrit (100) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 654
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)

Alliance on Lightbringer:

Priestybrit (17) - Human/Priest (Mining 38/Herbalism 58)

The goal for next week is to get back to thinking about the holes in the Master Plan completion. Rep, Secondary profs, all the zones etc. I got sidetracked this week with the Apexis event, and concentration on gearing up.


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