Monday, January 27, 2014

A Complete Change of Plans


Alliance (Brits United lvl 25) on Draenor:

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 542
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 504
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 491
Flictionbrit (90) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering) - iLvL 493
Fengsuibrit (90) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking) - iLvL 520
Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 530
Boomybrit (90) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription) - iLvL 491
Pallybrit (90) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring) - iLvL 499
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter

Alliance (Brits United lvl 8) on Venture Co:

Unstablebrit (87) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Smashbrit (29) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Shamwowbrit (31) - Pandaren/Shaman (None)
Dwarfybrit (30) - Dwarf/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Shaolinbrit (21) - Pandaren/Monk (None)
Bamboodbrit (57) - Pandaren/Priest (None)
Frostybrit (11) - Pandaren/Mage (None)
Totembrit (9) - Dwarf/Shaman (Herbalism/Inscription)

Horde (Britannia lvl 5) on Ravenholdt:

Priestybrit (39) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (29) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (23) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (27) - Pandaren/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (23) - Pandaren/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

So, what's the big change of plans? It occurred to be on Saturday that my plan of aiming for the Stay Classy achievement for my guild on Draenor was going to be a very expensive proposition. I can only stand leveling without CRZ, and thus need to level on Venture Co., but can't stand PvP end game, so play that only on Draenor. So, each toon I get to 90 needs to transfer to Draenor (or even at 88 or something). This is $25 a time, and it will cost way too much to get 56 toons over there. So, that plan is off. Indeed, I'm re-thinking the whole 'leveling more toons' because of this. Along with the news that they're probably going to allow you to buy 90s in WoD, it brings up the question of 'what's the point?'. I've this decided to only play my level 90s on Draenor now, and not bother leveling any more.

Most of my time anyway was spent on moving Flaying along the legendary quests line. She's now got 2500 of the 3000 valor needed, and got capped with valor by Thursday this week. One fun thing she got completed was SOO LFR. That's right, completed. So sweet taking down Garrosh and seeing the cut scene that came after it. I actually want to complete it on other toons too. The Garrosh fight was so fun.

After Flaying got capped, Draeny, Gnomey, Blizzy, Fliction, and Fengsui, all did the Timeless Isle, for the dailies there and working on the weeklies. Pally is still doing the August Celestials quests for the Royal Satchel pattern, and is now Revered, with hopefully only a week or so before Exalted.

As I'm not going to be leveling any more, I've been distributing more timeless gear to my 90s to fill slots they hadn't filled with 496 previously, and am really having a think about what to do with all the 269 pieces of timeless gear I have :) I will probably liquidate a lot of it, but keep pieces that can be upgraded once toons get Burdens of Eternity from Timeless Isle.

Other that this, I did level Bambood quite a bit before Saturday, getting her to Blasted Lands, that pushed the guild to level 8.

Achievements have gone up to 4415, with the last too being Collateral Damage, and Downfall.

The plan for next week is to just play my level 90s. Get Flaying to the next stage of the Cloak quest, and do Timeless Isle, and probably some LFR on the other toons, and gear them up. All the toons on Venture Co and Ravenholdt are on hold from now on.


Monday, January 20, 2014

3 days to cap Valor


Alliance (Brits United lvl 25) on Draenor:

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 542
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 504
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 484
Flictionbrit (90) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering) - iLvL 481
Fengsuibrit (90) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking) - iLvL 516
Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 524
Boomybrit (90) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription) - iLvL 491
Pallybrit (90) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring) - iLvL 499
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter

Alliance (Brits United lvl 7) on Venture Co:

Unstablebrit (87) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Smashbrit (29) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Shamwowbrit (31) - Pandaren/Shaman (None)
Dwarfybrit (30) - Dwarf/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Shaolinbrit (21) - Pandaren/Monk (None)
Bamboodbrit (47) - Pandaren/Priest (None)
Frostybrit (11) - Pandaren/Mage (None) 
Totembrit (9) - Dwarf/Shaman (Herbalism/Inscription)

Horde (Britannia lvl 5) on Ravenholdt:

Priestybrit (39) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (29) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (23) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (27) - Pandaren/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (23) - Pandaren/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

So, Flaying needs to get 300 Valor for the Cape quest. That means capping valor every week. Well, it only took 3 days to cap Valor. Scenario 50, TI Daily 20, Heroic Dungeon 80, TI weekly 200. Also did one LFR wing for 90 and one Heroic Scenario for ?? (I forget). So, you can do it in 3 days if you try. This also gives Valor of the Ancients buff which means all other toons get +50% valor. Sweet. As you can see, quite a few item level upgrades this week because of all this. I'm especially  getting Draeny up there next, after Flaying. Flaying also went to the Isle of Thunder, to get Revered with the Black Prince. Grinding the statue mobs there got it done really quickly.

Apart from the high level play, I've been leveling up Bambood. Really quick with all the Heirlooms and not having to worry about professions. Quest Quest Quest, and she's in Badlands already. I also started up another Dwarf, because I'm realizing that glyphs would be really nice to have while leveling.

BTW: You'll notice that I don't have a Pandaren Rogue. I'm saving that for the boost to 90 you get when you pre-order Warlords of Draenor. I'm presuming you can boost Pandaren, but not absolutely sure.

That was pretty much it for this week, along with the normal farming at Halfhill.

The Alliance guild is now level 7 and 87%. Achievements have gone up to 4345, with the last two being Fancy Footwork, and Fight Anger with Anger (from one scenario lol).

The plan for next week is to continue capping valor and playing some high level, along with leveling Bmbood, Totem, and the the others.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Going for the Cape


Alliance (Brits United lvl 25) on Draenor:

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 539
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 491
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 479
Flictionbrit (90) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering) - iLvL 481
Fengsuibrit (90) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking) - iLvL 516
Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 520
Boomybrit (90) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription) - iLvL 491
Pallybrit (90) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring) - iLvL 498
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter

Alliance (Brits United lvl 7) on Venture Co:

Unstablebrit (87) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Smashbrit (29) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Shamwowbrit (31) - Pandaren/Shaman (None)
Dwarfybrit (30) - Dwarf/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Shaolinbrit (21) - Pandaren/Monk (None)
Bamboodbrit (24) - Pandaren/Priest (None)
Frostybrit (11) - Pandaren/Mage (None)

Horde (Britannia lvl 5) on Ravenholdt:

Priestybrit (39) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (29) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (23) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (27) - Pandaren/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (23) - Pandaren/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

So, the Cape. That's right, the Legendary Cape. I'm going for in on Flaying. So, she ran a lot of LFR early in the week to get all the Sigils of Power and Wisdom, and then ran TES to get the item needed there. She's on the collect 3000 Valor and Revered with Black Prince part now, so I got her valor capped on Friday. Now waiting for tomorrow to play her again.

With Flaying valor capped, all toons got 50% more valor. So it was great doing Scenarios, and a bit of Timeless Isle, on a lot of them. Oh, Pally has joined the land of level 90s, when she got to 90 last week. Got two 553 pieces from Draeny and nearly a full set of 496 Timeless Pieces. I wanted to progress Draeny a bit too, so I got her on the Timeless Isle. She did struggle a bit though, not having buffs at the start and then dying a bit by being overly aggressive when she did get a couple.

Other than all that high level play, you'll notice that the professions on all my Pandaren have changed to 'none'. I'm leveling them with full heirlooms, and I was started to feel that professions were really holding back the leveling. And as I'm not planning on playing them at 90, why do I actually need professions. So, they're gone. There's a new addition to the ranks too, Frostybrit, the Frost Mage.

The only one I kept with professions is my tailor/enchanter, Dwarfybrit. I figured that I really need a Tailor for Netherweave Bags, now both my 600 Tailors are on Draenor.

Talking about Heirlooms, I now have pretty complete sets to level 3 toons. That is, Plate Strength, Mail Intellect, and Cloth Intellect. So, Smashbrit, Shamwowbrit, and Bamboodbrit are the ones who will be leveled first, along with Dwarfy.

The Alliance guild is now level 7 and 37%. Achievements have gone up to 4305, with the last two being Gate of Retribution and Chapter 1: Trial of the Black Prince.

Plans for next week are to continue with the Cape quest by getting valor capped on Flaying asap, then playing other high level toons a bit. Also, leveling Shamsh, Shamwow, Bambood, and Dwarfy.


Monday, January 6, 2014

Soldiering on


Alliance (Brits United lvl 25) on Draenor:

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 538
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 489
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 479
Flictionbrit (90) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering) - iLvL 481
Fengsuibrit (90) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking) - iLvL 516
Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 519
Boomybrit (90) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription) - iLvL 489
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter

Alliance (Brits United lvl 7) on Venture Co:

Unstablebrit (87) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Pallybrit (87) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring)
Smashbrit (27) - Pandaren/Warrior (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Shamwowbrit (31) - Pandaren/Shaman (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Dwarfybrit (26) - Dwarf/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Shaolinbrit (21) - Pandaren/Monk (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Bamboodbrit (20) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism/Enscription)

Horde (Britannia lvl 5) on Ravenholdt:

Priestybrit (39) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (29) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (23) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (27) - Pandaren/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (23) - Pandaren/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

Happy New Year everyone!

I did quite a bit of high level stuff this week, and also quite a bit of leveling.

The high level stuff was Timeless Isle on Fengsui and Flaying, and I actually did a bit of LFR on Flaying. Fengsui got to Honored with Shaohao, and got two burdens from Arch of Flame. One from the quest, and one as a drop. Nice. Flaying did LFR to progress the legendary quest line. Doing Terrace of Endless Spring and Heart of Fear to try and get the Sigils, and also looking to get a Sha Touched weapon. Well, she's now up to 7 and 10 sigils of Power and Wisdom out of 10 of each required, and she did get a Sha Touched weapon of the final Heart of Fear boss. I was also doing a bit of Pet Battling and Archeology on Flaying while she was in the queues.

Leveling was nearly all Pally this week. She is up to 87 and has got replacements for all the Herilooms, which have now been sent to Smashbit, who I leveled a bit yesterday. The idea with leveling Pally is 1. Get out of the Heirlooms 2. Get to 90 for all the Timeless Plate gear and 2 553 crafted Draeny can make. She'll be so geared straight away it will be ridiculous.

Oh, leveling tailoring on Pally has been a bit of a pain, because she hasn't got Enchanting. For the final bit of Frostweave, having Dust would make it a lot easier, and also for Embersilk. She ground out the Frostweave by killing the Conquered Heroes in Icecrown, and is now on to grinding Embersilk in Tol Barad where the dwarves and Orcs are fighting near the horde base.

Oh, I almost forgot. A new Pandaren. Bamboodbrit (because Bamboobrit is not allowed). I also deleted my neutral Doubleabrit.

The Alliance guild is now level 7 and 8%. Achievements have gone up to 4260, with the last two being Nightmare of Shek'zeer and Diggerer.

The plans for next week are to level Pally to 90, and for Flaying to get further on the legendary quest line. Other that that, all the 90s are still doing the farm, and maybe some of them will hit Timeless Isle too. BTW, I'm now up to 226 Timeless pieces in the bank (having liquidated 7 pieces that were over 10 of (13 cloth helm, and 14 cloth legs)).
