Monday, November 25, 2013

Big Changes are Afoot


Alliance (Brits United lvl 25) on Draenor:

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 529
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 479
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 461
Flictionbrit (90) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering) - iLvL 473

Alliance (Brits United lvl 2) on Venture Co:

Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 495
Boomybrit (90) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription) - iLvL 463
Fengsuibrit (90) - Panderan/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking) - iLvL 466
Unstablebrit (76) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Pallybrit (68) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring)

Horde (Britannia lvl 5) on Ravenholdt:

Priestybrit (39) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (29) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (23) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (27) - Panderan/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (23) - Panderan/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

That's right. I took the plunge and starting transferring toons to a PVE realm (Draenor, that's merged with Echo Isles). I transferred the guild with Flaying, and then transferred Blizzy for gems, Draeny to supply Flaying with stuff for Living Steel, and Fliction so that the 600 Engineering would come in that guild.

Well, what's it like on Draenor? Bloody crowded, that's what :) Timeless Isle is packed at all hours of the day, and that makes getting the 20 kills pretty difficult. But, there are always people calling out rares, grouping for Celestials etc., so it's not bad at all. And, not getting attacked by the Horde is wonderful. That alone makes it a great decision. Flaying got 3 Burdens of Eternity, and upgraded the 553 gear with Valor, so she's now rocking 529 iLvL.

Fliction got Engineering to 600 (well, 615 actually) so I got the Working Better as a Team achievement giving me access to the Heirloom Legs. Not that I can use it on anyone on Draenor, but when 5.4.2 hits, you can send them to different servers, so I'll be able to use it there.

What have the others been doing? Well, Gnomey has been doing August Celestials and got Exalted and made 2 Royal Satchels for herself. She's doing the Celestial Cloth and Imperial Silk every day. Fengsui has been doing Molten Front and is now only a couple of days from getting the 36 slot mining bag recipe. She also did a lit bit of LFR. Multi-shot is so fun on Trash :)

Unstable and Pally got some play, leveling a bit, and that's how the guild got to level 2. Oh yeah, Boomy made it to 90 too, making it 7 level 90s.

Horde characters got a little bit of play, Fuzzy especially.

And, here's another brand new development:

On Borean Tundra, Of the Forums guild:

Draenybrit (24) - Draenei/Priest (Mining/Tailoring)

Another toon in a normal guild, on a regular CRZ server. Crazy I know. It was a guild started on the WoW forums, and I decided to give it a try. AH and everything. I really don't know if I'm going to play her much though, because leveling in CRZ is really a pain. It has convinced me more that ever. Horrible, horrible, horrible.

OK, Alliance guild on Venture Co is at level 2 and 2%. The Horde guild is level 5 and 10%. Achievements have moved on to 4040, with the last two being Got My Mind on my Money and Wilaing Caverns (Draeny on BT).

Plan for next week is to keep gearing up level 90s, leveling the others on Venture Co, and maybe transferring one or two more over to Draenor. As I said, I don't know if I will continue on BT, we'll see what happens. I hope to play the Horde somewhat this week.


Monday, November 18, 2013

6 Level 90s

Alliance (Brits United):

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 515
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 474
Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 495
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 461
Flictionbrit (90) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering) - iLvL 468
Boomybrit (88) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription)
Fengsuibrit (90) - Panderan/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking) - iLvL 462
Unstablebrit (73) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Pallybrit (64) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring)

Horde (Britannia):

Priestybrit (39) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (29) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (23) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (25) - Panderan/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (23) - Panderan/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

That's right. I got both Fengsui and Fliction to 90 over the past week. They both got to 90 in Townlong Steppes and then did Arena of Annihilation for the 450 weapon, and geared up with Timeless pieces Flaying had been collecting. Even with 6 for Fengsui, and 8 for Fliction, she still has 41 pieces in the bank for the other toons. Flaying has been spending a bit of time on Timeless Isle, but I'm still getting fed up with getting attacked by the Horde when I'm minding my own business. I do hope the Connected Realms get moving, so I can decide where to transfer to.

Fliction and Fengsui are also working on LW and Eng (the last two profs that aren't 600 yet). Fliction got the recipe for Sky Golem, so is working on the daily mat for that, and is looking to craft Blingtron soon. Fengsui hasn't got the Hardened Magnificent Hide pattern yet, but is working on making Magnificent Hides for when she does get it. Flaying is also helping out by planting Raptorleaf on her farm. Fengsui is also doing the MF dailies to get the 36 mining bag pattern.

Gnomeybrit is of course working on both Celestial cloth and Imperial Silk, and is almost Exalted with August Celestials for the Royal Satchel pattern.

Other than that, I'm now working on getting Boomy to 90, and also playing Unstable a bit to get her up there. I'm trying not to do too much high level stuff (try to do daily stuff in the morning), and concentrate on leveling mostly.

Horde got a bit of play this week, but not much. Priesty and Herby got a bit of play.

So, I've had a crazy idea, after seeing the announcement that levels will go to 100 in WoD. Here it is. What if I were to attempt to get 100 level 100s? Think about it. That's just 2 accounts. The idea would be to have 60 (probably Alliance) on a 3-way connected realm, and 40 (probably Horde) on a 2-way connected realm. Crazy? Yes. But crazy is as crazy does. This is why I want to concentrate on leveling so much. Each level I get is 1 out of the 10,000 I need :)

So, the Horde guild got to level 5 and about 8%. Achievements went up to 3940, with the only one this week being Quintessential Quartet.

The plan for next week is to level Boomy to 90, get my LW and Eng to 600, and work on Unstable. I may well play Horde a bit too.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Blizzcon baby!


Yep, I actually got to go to Blizzcon this year. I drove down on Thursday, and after battling with LA traffic, I got to the Hotel about 4pm. I went to get my ticket around 5pm, and there was a massive line. I stood in line for about one and a half hours before getting my ticket. Off to a bar for some pizza and beer before heading back to the hotel, and playing a bit of WoW.

Friday was the big day. We all got to the Center way ahead of time, and they let us in about 2 hours before the first WoW announcements. When I got a seat, there was an hour and a half before it started. Sat next to a really nice young couple from Tuscon, and we chatted, making the time fly by.

Then came the announcements. My gosh, Chris Metzen is absolutely excellent. The way he announced what was going on in Warlords of Draenor was brilliant. BTW, I'm not going to go into all the details, you can see them on the wow forums, or wowhead.

For the rest of the day, and the next day, I went to whatever WoW panels were on, and also managed to play the first zone of the expansion (Shadowmoom Valley, as Alliance). It was really fun, but I died a couple of times though it. Then I did it again and didn't die at all. I'll be ready once it ships :)

I had a blast at the convention, and even managed to get a bit of WoW play time at the Hotel room.


Alliance (Brits United):

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 514
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 470
Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 495
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 452
Flictionbrit (87) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering)
Boomybrit (86) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription)
Fengsuibrit (86) - Panderan/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Unstablebrit (71) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Pallybrit (64) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring)

Horde (Britannia):

Priestybrit (38) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (24) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (23) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (25) - Panderan/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (23) - Panderan/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

Most of my time was spent on Fengsui this week. Getting LW past 450 and trying to get to 500. She's also started on the Hyjal Daily quests, to get the Mining bag pattern. She's also part way through Jade Forest, and is having an easier time that pretty much any of my other toons. Unstable got a bit of play, but I gave up the idea of her helping out on Savage Leather. Too much leveling to do right now.

Pally also got a bit of play and zoomed up to level 64 with a few dungeons and quests in Zang. The Heirlooms are still making leveling go extremely fast. I think half of Nagrand and more dungeons and she'll be at 68.

A little bit of high level play, with Flaying heading over to Timeless Isle, and Gnomey continuing to grind August Celestials (for Royal Satchel pattern). She's Revered right now. She also got the 28 Celestial Cloth and made the 553 legs for Flaying.

Horde got some play with the DMF quests, and some of them actually leveled. Horde guild is now level 4 and 85%.

Achievements have crept up to 3890, with Finish Them! and Greedy being the latest two (both accomplished by Gnomey).

The plan for next week is to level Fengsui to 90 and get LW to 600. Then work on Pally a bit (I love the idea of having another high level Tailor). We'll see how much high level stuff, and maybe even some Horde stuff, I squeeze in.

BTW: The realm transfer is on hold, until I see how all the realm connections shake out.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Preparing for Realm Transfer


Alliance (Brits United):

Flayingbrit (90) - Human/Priest (Herbalism/Alchemy) - iLvL 510
Draenybrit (90) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining/Blacksmithing) - iLvL 468
Gnomeybrit (90) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting) - iLvl 495
Blizzybrit (90) - Draenei/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting) - iLvL 452
Flictionbrit (87) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining/Engineering)
Boomybrit (86) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism/Inscription)
Fengsuibrit (82) - Panderan/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Unstablebrit (70) - Human/Warlock (Mining/Skinning)
Elfybrit (60) - Night Elf/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Shadybrit (60) - Draenei/Priest (Herbalism/Mining)
Pallybrit (61) - Human/Paladin (Mining/Tailoring)

Horde (Britannia):

Priestybrit (37) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring/Enchanting)
Gobbybrit (25) - Goblin/Warlock (Herbalism/Alchemy)
Cuteybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Priest (Mining/Blacksmithing)
Herbybrit (24) - Tauren/Druid (Herbalim/Inscription)
Shammybrit (22) - Troll/Shaman (Mining/Engineering)
Beastybrit (24) - Blood Elf/Hunter (Skinning/Leatherworking)
Fuzzybrit (24) - Panderan/Mage (Mining/Jewelcrafting)
Powerbrit (22) - Panderan/Priest (Mining/Skinning)

I spent some of the week doing high level stuff, and some of it leveling Fengsui and Unstable, looking to get my LW to 600. This really is the last thing I need to do before I transfer off The Venture Co. The bonus to skinning while in a level 25 guild is too much to give up.

Fengsui got almost all the way through Northrend LW on her own, and hardly had to rely on Unstable at all. That's because, at 400, you can make Fur Linings with Eternium Thread, and don't need any Borean Leather at all. Now it's DMF, and I'm trying to get through most of Cata before getting the +5.

The high level stuff I'm doing is mostly on Gnomey and Draeny. Gnomey for Celestial Cloth and Imperial Silk (for the Royal Satchel). She's grinding August Celestials to get to exalted to get the pattern. Also, farming up Windwool Cloth (on the farm) to get enough for the two cooldowns per day. Gnomey is also the main one going to Timeless Isle, and I've got 496 tokens coming out of my ears now. I'm starting to get lots of duplicates, so I might stop going there for a while.

Draeny has been making the Balanced Trillium Ingot, and also spent a little time on Timeless Isle. Boy, it's pretty tough on you at 450 odd iLvL before you get the buffs on the island. She stopped doing it after getting ganked by Horde a few times, which hardened my resolve to get off this PvP realm.

Here's the plan. Transfer the guild to one of the PVE connected realms. Transfer the characters 85 and up. Continue leveling the others on Venture Co., and only transfer when they get to 85. That way, I can level CRZ free.

My Horde got a tiny bit of play time. The Horde guild is now level 4 and 78%. The Alliance guild is level 25. Achievements have gone up to 3870 now, with the last two being Hemet Nesingwary: The Collected Quests and The Snows of Northrend (completed by Fengsui).

I didn't play as much this week because we went up to Tahoe for the weekend.

The plan for next week is to continue to level Fengsui and thus LW as well, and level Unstable probably so that she can help with Savage Leather. Play time will again be reduced though, because - I'm of to Blizzcon!!!

I'll report back on all the goings on at Blizzcon next week, or maybe have a special blog post from there before that.
