As I said in my late last week special blog post, I got Stealthy to 100, so I am finished leveling my 12 characters in the Master Plan. I got Stealthy from 97-100 last Thursday. This has now given me the freedom to concentrate on other stuff, now that I don't have to level any more.
One thing I really concentrated on over the weekend was Achievements. I knew this would be one of the main long poles, and it was time to get serious about it. Flaying did all the BC Heroic Dungeons and got Outland Dungeonmaster. She also did Ulduar. What an Achievement Pinata that is. I didn't concentrate on every single achievement, but got most of them without even trying. Did on 10H. Will do on 25N this week. One trouble was the Yogg-Sauron fight. I had no clue what I was doing and died. Then I asked my friend Eccy for advice and still couldn't do it. But I finally got it after about 4 tries, dying just as I finished it.
So, Flaying has now moved on to Wrath Dungeons. She knocked off Heroic Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, and Old Kingdom last night. So, we're up to 7650 now, a massive increase over last week.
What else I've been doing is assessing all the crafting upgrades I need to make. The long pole is definitely Tailoring, where I needed 3 Hexweave Essence, 8 Greater Hexweave Esssence, and 9 Powerful Hexweave Essence. I knocked out a couple of Hexweave Essence, and have been farming Sumptuous Fur like crazy and making sure Pally's and Stealthy's barn WOs stay maxed out. Only 3550 Hexweave Cloth needed :). One other thought I had was just buying the upgrades once I start getting gold over 1M. Time will tell.
Other gearing was done with the help of Followers, and also Maruadin. I did Walled City on lower geared characters when they got him, and got some sweet upgrades in the process.
Oh, one other thing I did was get Stealthy's Skinning to 700, so I'm all done with profs too, except for secondary ones on Flaying.
Now that I'm able to concentrate on areas of the Master Plan, it really feels like I'm making great progress and can get it done pretty quickly.
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
All Done. 120/120 = 100%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Lot's of gearing and got Stealthy in the mix. Now 488/600 = 81.33%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did quite a few crafted upgrades. Now 93/144 = 64.58%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
All done. Now 24/24 = 100%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
Nothing this week. 322/400 = 80.5%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Loads this week. Up to 7650/10000 = 76.5%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
A reasonable week. Up to 855,565/1M = 85.56%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Nothing new this week. Still at 52/100 = 52%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
Getting more and more. 58/120 = 48.33%
Overall Plan progress = 78.88%
I'm definitely in the realm of cleaning up now. The end is in sight.
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 655
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 644
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 650
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 651
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 645
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 640
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 642
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 644
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 646
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 632
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (100) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 623
Slealthybrit (100) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 622
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (5) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
This week, I'll continue to concentrate on Achievements and Gearing. I hope to also look at a couple of areas that have lacked progress for a while, secondary profs and mounts.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Friday, March 27, 2015
Birthday Tales
It was my Birthday yesterday. I turned 55.
I took the day off work and got to play WoW and catch up on some TV I had on the DVR. I watched Broadchurch and the Premier League Highlights from last weekend.
In WoW, I played Stealthybrit all through Spires of Arak, into Nagrand, did Skyreach and got to 100.
So, that's 12 100s now. Leveling is complete for my Master Plan. I will no longer do any leveling until the Master Plan is complete.
We went to the Movies last night and saw The 2nd Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. I was underwhelmed and wouldn't recommend it. No where near as good as the original.
That's all folks, back to regular programming on Monday.
It was my Birthday yesterday. I turned 55.
I took the day off work and got to play WoW and catch up on some TV I had on the DVR. I watched Broadchurch and the Premier League Highlights from last weekend.
In WoW, I played Stealthybrit all through Spires of Arak, into Nagrand, did Skyreach and got to 100.
So, that's 12 100s now. Leveling is complete for my Master Plan. I will no longer do any leveling until the Master Plan is complete.
We went to the Movies last night and saw The 2nd Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. I was underwhelmed and wouldn't recommend it. No where near as good as the original.
That's all folks, back to regular programming on Monday.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Having Fun in LFR
Let me just say that I'm enjoying 6.1. The daily random visitor to the Garrison is what this is about. Herb Trader and Ore Trader are great for getting Savage Blood from all the herbs and ore I have laying around. But the one I'm enjoying most is Mauradin.
Why's that? Because he has a quest for Walled City (Highmaul Wing 1) that gives you a chunk of gold (about 60g I think) and a Spoils of battle that gives you a random 645 piece (with a chance of higher iLvL, so I've heard). This is great for my lower geared 100s. I do it on them if I get Mauradin as a visitor, and have done many Wing 1 LFRs this week.
I was actually in the middle of the fight for the above one :)
This was before the fight though.
Also, trying to see what the Selfie filter can do:
Not very happy with that. I'll try Black and White next.
So, got lots of good gear. Although I must say that Murphy was out and about. If I had tons of slots that needed upgrades, but 655 and 645 Trinkets, I would get a Trinket :).
I also did Wing 2 of BRF on Flaying. An hour long queue, and I only got in on Sunday. Quite fun fights. I like the one with the trains coming in and out.
Other than LFR, I leveled Shaolin, and got her to 100. So I know have eleven 100s, and only one more left to go. I also did some achievement stuff on Flaying while in queue for LFR. Did some more Outland Heroics.
What else did I do? Just routine stuff really. The Garrison chores, the trapping, the selling stuff on the AH for gold. As I said recently though, I don't mind though. It's all about the Master Plan :)
Talking of the Master Plan, how's that coming along?
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Only 4 levels left now. Now 116/120 = 96.67%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Lot's of gearing and got Shaolin in the mix. Now 403/600 = 67.17%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did quite a few crafted upgrades. Now 83/144 = 57.64%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Still only Stealthy's Skinning left to go. Now 23/24 = 95.83%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
Nothing this week. 322/400 = 80.5%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Quite a few this week. Up to 6925/10000 = 69.25%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
Another great week. Up to 773,087/1M = 77.31%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Nothing new this week. Still at 52/100 = 52%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
10 on Flaying now and getting lots more. 44/120 = 36.67%
Overall Plan progress = 73.30%
Awesome. Broke through 70%. The end is definitely in sight now.
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 653
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 643
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 646
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 640
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 645
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 636
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 639
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 640
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 632
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 618
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 614
Slealthybrit (96) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 672/Leatherworking 700)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (5) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
The plan for next week is to get Stealthy to 100, get her skinning to 700, and run lots more LFR to gear up the other 100s. I also need to concentrate a bit more on Achievements.
Let me just say that I'm enjoying 6.1. The daily random visitor to the Garrison is what this is about. Herb Trader and Ore Trader are great for getting Savage Blood from all the herbs and ore I have laying around. But the one I'm enjoying most is Mauradin.
Why's that? Because he has a quest for Walled City (Highmaul Wing 1) that gives you a chunk of gold (about 60g I think) and a Spoils of battle that gives you a random 645 piece (with a chance of higher iLvL, so I've heard). This is great for my lower geared 100s. I do it on them if I get Mauradin as a visitor, and have done many Wing 1 LFRs this week.
![]() |
Vulgor |
I was actually in the middle of the fight for the above one :)
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Kargath |
This was before the fight though.
Also, trying to see what the Selfie filter can do:
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Bambood in sepia |
Not very happy with that. I'll try Black and White next.
So, got lots of good gear. Although I must say that Murphy was out and about. If I had tons of slots that needed upgrades, but 655 and 645 Trinkets, I would get a Trinket :).
I also did Wing 2 of BRF on Flaying. An hour long queue, and I only got in on Sunday. Quite fun fights. I like the one with the trains coming in and out.
Other than LFR, I leveled Shaolin, and got her to 100. So I know have eleven 100s, and only one more left to go. I also did some achievement stuff on Flaying while in queue for LFR. Did some more Outland Heroics.
What else did I do? Just routine stuff really. The Garrison chores, the trapping, the selling stuff on the AH for gold. As I said recently though, I don't mind though. It's all about the Master Plan :)
Talking of the Master Plan, how's that coming along?
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Only 4 levels left now. Now 116/120 = 96.67%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Lot's of gearing and got Shaolin in the mix. Now 403/600 = 67.17%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did quite a few crafted upgrades. Now 83/144 = 57.64%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Still only Stealthy's Skinning left to go. Now 23/24 = 95.83%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
Nothing this week. 322/400 = 80.5%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Quite a few this week. Up to 6925/10000 = 69.25%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
Another great week. Up to 773,087/1M = 77.31%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Nothing new this week. Still at 52/100 = 52%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
10 on Flaying now and getting lots more. 44/120 = 36.67%
Overall Plan progress = 73.30%
Awesome. Broke through 70%. The end is definitely in sight now.
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 653
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 643
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 646
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 640
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 645
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 636
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 639
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 640
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 632
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 618
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700) - iLvl 614
Slealthybrit (96) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 672/Leatherworking 700)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (5) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
The plan for next week is to get Stealthy to 100, get her skinning to 700, and run lots more LFR to gear up the other 100s. I also need to concentrate a bit more on Achievements.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Ten Level 100s!!
Yep, I got Bambood (my third Priest) to level 100 over the weekend. That's 10 level 100s now. Here she is:
She got to 100 by doing Skyreach and then Nagrand to get Lantressor the Blade for the mine. She had about 15K and then got tons of garrison upgrades and now only has 387g LOL. She's a non-trapper, so has a Trading Post, Inn, Barracks, Bunker, Alc building, Storehouse, and Salvage Yard.
I also made a major push on Achievements this week. It's really starting to look as though they will be the long pole. So Flaying did a couple of things. First, a few exploration ones, in Northrend, and Eastern Kingdoms. Then, off to BC and knocked out a lot of BC Dungeons (and also Serpentshine Caverns). Lastly, she knocked out the last Nagrand bonus objective.
I've also been making a lot of gold this week. From selling gear, crafting mats, Savage Blood, and all sorts of stuff. And of course from all the follower missions and salvage crates. I actually made close to 100K this week. Amazing. I wasn't even concentrating that hard on making it a priority. 1M will come pretty soon I think. EDIT: One thing to add. I upgraded tons of prof buildings to level 3 this week too, to get the Rush Order follower missions. That cut about 12K out of profits.
One thing that helped with Follower missions is Master Plan. I finally downloaded it after holding out for so long because I considered it sort of cheating. Well, it was stupid of me. Such a great addon, and cuts down the time for mission management significantly.
I had a couple of LFR experiences this week. Flaying finally got into Wing 3 of BRF. But only the Iron Maidens. Died pretty early in the fight because the Tanks weren't keeping aggro on one of them, but the fight succeeded. No loot. The other was doing Wing 1 of Highmaul on characters that got Mauradin as their visitors to the garrison. Knock it out quick and get gold and a 450 piece. Not bad at all.
I also crafted a few upgrades for my gear, and also got some Highmaul and BRF pieces from follower missions, so gearing went well this week too. Let's see how this is all affecting the Master Plan.
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Only 8 levels left now. Now 112/120 = 93.33%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Lot's of gearing and got Bambood in the mix. Now 356/600 = 59.33%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did a few crafted upgrades. Now 75/144 = 52.08%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Only Stealthy's Skinning left to go. Now 23/24 = 95.83%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
Nothing this week. 322/400 = 80.5%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Quite a few this week. Up to 6850/10000 = 68.5%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
A great week. Up to 678,159/1M = 67.82%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Got a couple more. Now at 52/100 = 52%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
10 on Flaying now and several others. 18/120 = 15%
Overall Plan progress = 68.44%
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 651
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 642
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 646
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 636
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 638
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 633
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 634
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 634
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 632
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 611
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700)
Slealthybrit (96) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 672/Leatherworking 700)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (5) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
My Goals for next week are to focus on Achievements a bit more, get Shaolin to 100 (maybe), and work on gear upgrades and gearing up the 100s a bit more.
Yep, I got Bambood (my third Priest) to level 100 over the weekend. That's 10 level 100s now. Here she is:
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Bamboodbrit at 100 |
She got to 100 by doing Skyreach and then Nagrand to get Lantressor the Blade for the mine. She had about 15K and then got tons of garrison upgrades and now only has 387g LOL. She's a non-trapper, so has a Trading Post, Inn, Barracks, Bunker, Alc building, Storehouse, and Salvage Yard.
I also made a major push on Achievements this week. It's really starting to look as though they will be the long pole. So Flaying did a couple of things. First, a few exploration ones, in Northrend, and Eastern Kingdoms. Then, off to BC and knocked out a lot of BC Dungeons (and also Serpentshine Caverns). Lastly, she knocked out the last Nagrand bonus objective.
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Achievements - 6850 |
One thing that helped with Follower missions is Master Plan. I finally downloaded it after holding out for so long because I considered it sort of cheating. Well, it was stupid of me. Such a great addon, and cuts down the time for mission management significantly.
I had a couple of LFR experiences this week. Flaying finally got into Wing 3 of BRF. But only the Iron Maidens. Died pretty early in the fight because the Tanks weren't keeping aggro on one of them, but the fight succeeded. No loot. The other was doing Wing 1 of Highmaul on characters that got Mauradin as their visitors to the garrison. Knock it out quick and get gold and a 450 piece. Not bad at all.
I also crafted a few upgrades for my gear, and also got some Highmaul and BRF pieces from follower missions, so gearing went well this week too. Let's see how this is all affecting the Master Plan.
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Only 8 levels left now. Now 112/120 = 93.33%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Lot's of gearing and got Bambood in the mix. Now 356/600 = 59.33%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did a few crafted upgrades. Now 75/144 = 52.08%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Only Stealthy's Skinning left to go. Now 23/24 = 95.83%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
Nothing this week. 322/400 = 80.5%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Quite a few this week. Up to 6850/10000 = 68.5%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
A great week. Up to 678,159/1M = 67.82%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Got a couple more. Now at 52/100 = 52%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
10 on Flaying now and several others. 18/120 = 15%
Overall Plan progress = 68.44%
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 651
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 642
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 646
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 636
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 638
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 633
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 634
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 634
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 700/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 632
Bamboodbrit (100) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 611
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700)
Slealthybrit (96) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 672/Leatherworking 700)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (5) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
My Goals for next week are to focus on Achievements a bit more, get Shaolin to 100 (maybe), and work on gear upgrades and gearing up the 100s a bit more.
Monday, March 9, 2015
The Garrison Grind
Yeah. It may be starting to get to me, but it's just preventing me from doing other stuff I want to. I think I'll be fine though. I'll stick through it until I get the Master Plan done.
Here's what I do on all 12 characters each day.
Before work:
Complete Follower Missions
Send out on more Follower Missions
Do some trapping of Elites for one of my 4 Barns.
After Work:
Complete Follower Missios
Send out on more Follower Missions
For each Character (
Get GR crate
If Barn then Collect from WOs
Collect from Bunker and complete scrap quest and start more WOs
Do Prof CD, collect from WOs, and queue new WOs
If level 100 then open all Salvage Yard crates
Collect from Herb WOs, Herb the Garden, and queue new WOs
Collect from Mine WOs, Mine the Mine, and queue new WOs
Put all mats in Guild Bank and vendor everything else
By the time I've finished all that, I may not have time for much more. I can level a bit, maybe get an LFR wing in, run and old Raid, or do more trapping.
Let's talk a bit about Barns. I have them on 6 characters, and Trading Posts on the other 6.
Out of my 6 Barns:
2 (My Priests) are trapping Wetland for Feasts and Savage Blood
2 (Warlock and Hunter) are trapping Clefthoofs for Leather and Savage Blood
2 (Paladin and Rogue) are trapping Talbuk and Wolves (regular) for Fur
BTW: Out of my 4 Elite trapping Barns, I'm getting an average of about 12-18 Savage Blood per day now.
I'm actually swimming in Savage Blood now, because I've been converting all Herbs and Ore to Primal Spirits and buying Blood with them. The gating for profession upgrades is now the Prof Mats. I've got about 70 upgrades left to craft. At 200 mats per upgrade, that's 14,000 Mats :)
So, what else have I got done?
Well, I did quite a few Old Raids this week. I did Firelands, Bastion of Twilight, and Batol on 4 characters. I was after Embersilk cloth too, and crafted the remaining Prof bags I needed.
Also, Slealthy leveled up to 96, and Bambood to 97. I think Bambood will be my next 100.
I also did LFR on Pally and Blizzy, when they had Mauradin in their Garrisons. The quest is nice for wing 1 of Highmaul LFR, because it gives a 645 piece and 61g.
So, how's the Master Plan going?
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Only 2 levels gained. Now 109/120 = 90.83%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Some gear upgrades and LFR pieces and Follower pieces. Now 318/600 = 53%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did a few crafted upgrades. Now 71/144 = 49.31%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Bambood got Herbing to 700. Now 21/24 = 87.5%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
DMF this week for minor increases. 322/400 = 80.5%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Not a single achievement this week. Still at 6665/10000 = 66.65%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
A good week. Just mostly from Salvage etc. Went up to 577,982/1M = 57.79%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Nothing this week. Still 50/100 = 50%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
10 on Flaying now and 1 other. 11/120 = 9.2%
Overall Plan progress = 64.48%
I've been thinking what the long poles will be. Achievements definitely, but now I'm starting to think crafting upgrades will be up there too. I'm going to start crafting more mats with Primal Spirits, but there will have to be a balance between that and Savage Blood.
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 649
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 641
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 642
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 633
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 634
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 633
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 629
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 631
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 698/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 626
Bamboodbrit (97) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700)
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700)
Slealthybrit (96) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 672/Leatherworking 685)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (5) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
My Goals for next week?
Keeping up the Garrison Grind, of course :)
Yeah. It may be starting to get to me, but it's just preventing me from doing other stuff I want to. I think I'll be fine though. I'll stick through it until I get the Master Plan done.
Here's what I do on all 12 characters each day.
Before work:
Complete Follower Missions
Send out on more Follower Missions
Do some trapping of Elites for one of my 4 Barns.
After Work:
Complete Follower Missios
Send out on more Follower Missions
For each Character (
Get GR crate
If Barn then Collect from WOs
Collect from Bunker and complete scrap quest and start more WOs
Do Prof CD, collect from WOs, and queue new WOs
If level 100 then open all Salvage Yard crates
Collect from Herb WOs, Herb the Garden, and queue new WOs
Collect from Mine WOs, Mine the Mine, and queue new WOs
Put all mats in Guild Bank and vendor everything else
By the time I've finished all that, I may not have time for much more. I can level a bit, maybe get an LFR wing in, run and old Raid, or do more trapping.
Let's talk a bit about Barns. I have them on 6 characters, and Trading Posts on the other 6.
Out of my 6 Barns:
2 (My Priests) are trapping Wetland for Feasts and Savage Blood
2 (Warlock and Hunter) are trapping Clefthoofs for Leather and Savage Blood
2 (Paladin and Rogue) are trapping Talbuk and Wolves (regular) for Fur
BTW: Out of my 4 Elite trapping Barns, I'm getting an average of about 12-18 Savage Blood per day now.
I'm actually swimming in Savage Blood now, because I've been converting all Herbs and Ore to Primal Spirits and buying Blood with them. The gating for profession upgrades is now the Prof Mats. I've got about 70 upgrades left to craft. At 200 mats per upgrade, that's 14,000 Mats :)
So, what else have I got done?
Well, I did quite a few Old Raids this week. I did Firelands, Bastion of Twilight, and Batol on 4 characters. I was after Embersilk cloth too, and crafted the remaining Prof bags I needed.
Also, Slealthy leveled up to 96, and Bambood to 97. I think Bambood will be my next 100.
I also did LFR on Pally and Blizzy, when they had Mauradin in their Garrisons. The quest is nice for wing 1 of Highmaul LFR, because it gives a 645 piece and 61g.
So, how's the Master Plan going?
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Only 2 levels gained. Now 109/120 = 90.83%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Some gear upgrades and LFR pieces and Follower pieces. Now 318/600 = 53%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did a few crafted upgrades. Now 71/144 = 49.31%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Bambood got Herbing to 700. Now 21/24 = 87.5%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
DMF this week for minor increases. 322/400 = 80.5%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Not a single achievement this week. Still at 6665/10000 = 66.65%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
A good week. Just mostly from Salvage etc. Went up to 577,982/1M = 57.79%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Nothing this week. Still 50/100 = 50%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
10 on Flaying now and 1 other. 11/120 = 9.2%
Overall Plan progress = 64.48%
I've been thinking what the long poles will be. Achievements definitely, but now I'm starting to think crafting upgrades will be up there too. I'm going to start crafting more mats with Primal Spirits, but there will have to be a balance between that and Savage Blood.
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 649
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 641
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 642
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 633
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 634
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 633
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 629
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 631
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 698/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 626
Bamboodbrit (97) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700)
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700)
Slealthybrit (96) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 672/Leatherworking 685)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (5) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
My Goals for next week?
Keeping up the Garrison Grind, of course :)
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
My Thoughts about WoW Tokens
Special Blog Post.
With the recent announcement of WoW Tokens coming soon, I thought I'd just take a bit of time to talk about them here.
Players will be able to buy a WoW Token for cash (still TBD how much they'll cost, but most likely slightly more than a month's sub, or probably $19.99). They can then list it on an exchange in WoW. Players can then buy that Token for gold, and activate it for 30 days game time.
The cost in gold will be set by Blizzard, based off gold selling sites to start with, and then supply and demand over time. You'll get the gold that is quoted when you put the Token up for sale, and always be able to buy for the gold quoted when you buy. Blizz will make up the small difference (if there is any).
So, say you go to sell a token. Price is listed as 18K. You put it up. But there are hundreds of other tokens ahead of yours, and they're not selling that quickly. So the cost to buy them starts going down. 17.9K, 17.8K. By the time someone buys yours, they buy it for 17.8K. However, you still get the 18K for it.
OK. I think this is absolutely fantastic, for both the players, and for the game.
The person who buys the token for cash most likely has a lot of cash, and not much gold, and he'll be really happy.
The person who buys for the token for gold most likely has a lot of gold, and not much cash (or doesn't want to pay, or wants to finance a second account), and he'll be really happy.
The person who doesn't use this feature should be happy, because although they aren't directly affected, there should be more people playing the game, and the game should be in a healthier state.
And Blizzard will be happy, because they will get slightly more for 30 days game time than a sub, have a healthier game, with more people playing it.
It's a Win/Win/Win/Win.
I'll be using this feature, and will be buying tokens with gold. I will finance two accounts using tokens.
Can't wait.
Special Blog Post.
With the recent announcement of WoW Tokens coming soon, I thought I'd just take a bit of time to talk about them here.
Players will be able to buy a WoW Token for cash (still TBD how much they'll cost, but most likely slightly more than a month's sub, or probably $19.99). They can then list it on an exchange in WoW. Players can then buy that Token for gold, and activate it for 30 days game time.
The cost in gold will be set by Blizzard, based off gold selling sites to start with, and then supply and demand over time. You'll get the gold that is quoted when you put the Token up for sale, and always be able to buy for the gold quoted when you buy. Blizz will make up the small difference (if there is any).
So, say you go to sell a token. Price is listed as 18K. You put it up. But there are hundreds of other tokens ahead of yours, and they're not selling that quickly. So the cost to buy them starts going down. 17.9K, 17.8K. By the time someone buys yours, they buy it for 17.8K. However, you still get the 18K for it.
OK. I think this is absolutely fantastic, for both the players, and for the game.
The person who buys the token for cash most likely has a lot of cash, and not much gold, and he'll be really happy.
The person who buys for the token for gold most likely has a lot of gold, and not much cash (or doesn't want to pay, or wants to finance a second account), and he'll be really happy.
The person who doesn't use this feature should be happy, because although they aren't directly affected, there should be more people playing the game, and the game should be in a healthier state.
And Blizzard will be happy, because they will get slightly more for 30 days game time than a sub, have a healthier game, with more people playing it.
It's a Win/Win/Win/Win.
I'll be using this feature, and will be buying tokens with gold. I will finance two accounts using tokens.
Can't wait.
Monday, March 2, 2015
It's Selfie Time!
That's right. Selfies and Twitter come to WoW, and I've got a camera:
Not an expert at taking them yet, and have yet to get an upgrade on any camera. I've got a couple more cameras now I think, so I'll try and perfect this over the next week or so.
What's been the major change with 6.1? The economy. With Ore being able to trade for Primal Spirit, it takes 250 Ore for a Savage Blood. This has raised the price for Ore into the 1g50 - 2g range. The same has started to happen to Herbs also, with the impending Herb Trader coming tomorrow. This gives a great option to those with tons of Ore and Herbs. Sell them at a nice clip, or use them for Savage Blood and sell bloods, or upgrades. I chose to get tons of Savage Blood with the thousands of Ore I had, and made upgrades for my characters. Can't wait to do it with thousands of Herbs tomorrow.
What have I been up to? Lots of leveling, and lots of gear upgrades for all my characters.
I decided to level Bambood, Shaolin, and Stealthy as a group. Shaolin got to 96 first, then Bambood, and Stealthy is at 95 and will get to 96 next.
For Gearing, I got tons and tons of good upgrades from follower missions, even replacing crafted gear because some of it was so good. For the crafted gear I replaced, I crafted another different piece for them. I'm really kicking myself with my crafting choices. I chose ones that you get from follower missions (for example, gear, chest, shoulder). If I had to do it all again, I would choose Head, Back, Waist, most likely. I got this on some of my later to get to 100 characters.
Also, Flaying completed the second wing of BRF. She died on the first boss, died on the 2nd boss, and died on the 3rd boss (and we wiped). But then completed it without dying. No gear though. So, no loot, massive repair bill. Seems like proper Raiding :)
Money just kept trickling along, skimming off lots from the other level 100s. Sold a bit of stuff on the AH, but not much.
Something else I did this week was to get on all characters to get all the Heirlooms in the Heirloom tab. Then I was at 31/35 needed for the level 1 mount. So I bought the other 4 required for it.
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Got a lot done. Now 107/120 = 89.17%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Got a lot of gear upgrades this week. Now 311/600 = 51.83%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did a few crafted upgrades. Now 65/144 = 45.14%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Several increases this week. Now 20/24 = 83.33%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
Nothing this week. 304/400 = 76%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Got quite a few this week. Now up to 6665/10000 = 66.65%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Got the 2 I needed this week. Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
Went up to 514,028/1M = 51.4%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Got a few more. Now 50/100 = 50%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
Yay, 2 are now 670+. 2/120 = 1.67%
Overall Plan progress = 61.52%
Excellent. Broke through the 60% mark.
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 648
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 641
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 642
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 633
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 633
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 626
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 628
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 629
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 672/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 621
Bamboodbrit (96) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 678/Alchemy 700)
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700)
Slealthybrit (95) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 667/Leatherworking 658)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (3) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
My plans for the coming week are to level my remaining 3. Don't know if I'll get them to 100, but I'll try. Gearing up will be a focus because of all the crafting upgrades I'll make with Savage Blood. And there's always gold to be had, and Achievement hunting :)
That's right. Selfies and Twitter come to WoW, and I've got a camera:
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Draeny |
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Shadowy Flaying |
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Some Panda |
Not an expert at taking them yet, and have yet to get an upgrade on any camera. I've got a couple more cameras now I think, so I'll try and perfect this over the next week or so.
What's been the major change with 6.1? The economy. With Ore being able to trade for Primal Spirit, it takes 250 Ore for a Savage Blood. This has raised the price for Ore into the 1g50 - 2g range. The same has started to happen to Herbs also, with the impending Herb Trader coming tomorrow. This gives a great option to those with tons of Ore and Herbs. Sell them at a nice clip, or use them for Savage Blood and sell bloods, or upgrades. I chose to get tons of Savage Blood with the thousands of Ore I had, and made upgrades for my characters. Can't wait to do it with thousands of Herbs tomorrow.
What have I been up to? Lots of leveling, and lots of gear upgrades for all my characters.
I decided to level Bambood, Shaolin, and Stealthy as a group. Shaolin got to 96 first, then Bambood, and Stealthy is at 95 and will get to 96 next.
For Gearing, I got tons and tons of good upgrades from follower missions, even replacing crafted gear because some of it was so good. For the crafted gear I replaced, I crafted another different piece for them. I'm really kicking myself with my crafting choices. I chose ones that you get from follower missions (for example, gear, chest, shoulder). If I had to do it all again, I would choose Head, Back, Waist, most likely. I got this on some of my later to get to 100 characters.
Also, Flaying completed the second wing of BRF. She died on the first boss, died on the 2nd boss, and died on the 3rd boss (and we wiped). But then completed it without dying. No gear though. So, no loot, massive repair bill. Seems like proper Raiding :)
Money just kept trickling along, skimming off lots from the other level 100s. Sold a bit of stuff on the AH, but not much.
Something else I did this week was to get on all characters to get all the Heirlooms in the Heirloom tab. Then I was at 31/35 needed for the level 1 mount. So I bought the other 4 required for it.
Leveling: Get each one to 100. Counting 90-100. Out of 120.
Got a lot done. Now 107/120 = 89.17%
Gearing: Get each character to 650. Counting 600-650. Out of 600.
Got a lot of gear upgrades this week. Now 311/600 = 51.83%
Crafted Gear: Get 3 pieces of fully upgraded gear on each character. Out of 144.
Did a few crafted upgrades. Now 65/144 = 45.14%
Professions: Get 2 professions on each character to 700. Counting each profession. Out of 24.
Several increases this week. Now 20/24 = 83.33%
Secondary Profs: Get all 4 secondary profs on Flaying to 700. Counting 600-700. Out of 400.
Nothing this week. 304/400 = 76%
Achievements: Get to 10,000. Out of 10,000.
Got quite a few this week. Now up to 6665/10000 = 66.65%
Guild Achievements: Get to 100. Out of 100.
Got the 2 I needed this week. Now complete at 100/100 = 100%
Gold: Get to 1M Gold on Flaying. Out of 1M.
Went up to 514,028/1M = 51.4%
Mounts: Get to 100 Mounts. Out of 100.
Got a few more. Now 50/100 = 50%
Followers: Get 10 followers on each character to 670. Out of 120.
Yay, 2 are now 670+. 2/120 = 1.67%
Overall Plan progress = 61.52%
Excellent. Broke through the 60% mark.
Alliance (Brits United) on Draenor:
Flayingbrit (100) - Human/Priest (Herbalism 700/Alchemy 700) - iLvl 648
Draenybrit (100) - Draenei/Shaman (Mining 700/Blacksmithing 700) - iLvl 641
Gnomeybrit (100) - Gnome/Priest (Tailoring 700/Enchanting 700) - iLvl 642
Flictionbrit (100) - Gnome/Warlock (Mining 700/Engineering 715) - iLvl 633
Fengsuibrit (100) - Pandaren/Hunter (Skinning 700/Leatherworking 700) - iLvl 633
Blizzybrit (100) - Draenei/Mage (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 710) - iLvl 626
Boomybrit (100) - Night Elf/Druid (Herbalism 700/Inscription 700) - iLvl 628
Unstablebrit (100) - Human/Warlock (Herbalim 700/Skinning 700) - iLvl 629
Pallybrit (100) - Human/Paladin (Blacksmithing 672/Tailoring 700) - iLvl 621
Bamboodbrit (96) - Pandaren/Priest (Herbalism 678/Alchemy 700)
Priestybrit (61) - Draenei/Priest (None)
Raidbrit (10) - Doesn't matter (2nd account)
Alliance (Brits United) on Echo Isles:
Shaolinbrit (96) - Pandaren/Monk (Mining 700/Jewelcrafting 700)
Slealthybrit (95) - Pandaren/Rogue (Skinning 667/Leatherworking 658)
Smashbrit (12) - Pandaren/Warrior (None)
Frostybrit (70) - Draenei/Death Knight (None)
Trapbrit (29) - Draenei/Hunter (None)
Horde (Britannia) on Ghostlands:
Priestybrit (43) - Undead/Priest (Tailoring 176/Enchanting 196)
Elfybrit (3) - Blood Elf/Priest (None)
Shammybrit (14) - Orc/Shaman (Mining 21/Herbalism 25)
My plans for the coming week are to level my remaining 3. Don't know if I'll get them to 100, but I'll try. Gearing up will be a focus because of all the crafting upgrades I'll make with Savage Blood. And there's always gold to be had, and Achievement hunting :)
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