Tuesday, March 5, 2019

More Leveling Fun!!


More leveling this week, but playing a bit less than normal. Spending more time updating my Cricket Simulator for the iPhone. Also, Hearthstone eats up quite a bit of time, as does my job :)

So, some more leveling across the board. I didn't do much on Silver Hand, but Looneybrit got to 91, and Madbrit got to 73.

On Ghostlands, Nbornebrit made it to 105 and is doing Highmountain now. She hasn't been doing much in older expansions to complete them, or do Archeology, she's just leveling Draenor stuff right now.

On Garrosh, Elfyvoidbrit got a little bit of play and made it to 75.

Towards the end of the week, I realized I hadn't done anything on Draenor, so I made sure to play Stealthybrit a bit, and also Flictionbrit. They made it to 107 and 116 respectively. Here's Stealthybrit in Highmountain:

Stealthybrit with Vanessa bodyguard
For my 120s, I did quite a bit of gearing up on some of them this week. There was a good Tortolan emissary where the reward was a great ring or trinket. Also, all of my 120s did the World boss from last week, but only one of them got a piece of gear.

Oh, I did DMF on Lockybrit on Ghostlands. I was wondering why she didn't have the mining quest up. I realized that she hadn't leveled mining in the old world at all. So, I sent her back to low level zones, and got her mining up to 75. I might have to do this on lots of other characters too. I really think the DMF quest should be available if you've got to 75 in any expansion. Stupid Blizzard.

I continued to do the gold and Battle-Scarred rune missions on all of them, but didn't sell any mats this week.

Silver Hand: Base - 500K x 4, 2K x 3. Battybrit: 84,612
Ghostlands: Base: 500K x 6, 2K x 5. Shammybrit: 128,859
Garrosh: Base: 500K x 2, 2K x 4. Priestybrit 362,427
Draenor + EI: Base: 500K x 6, 2K x 5. Boomybrit: 156,301

Overall Base: 9 Million + 34K => 9,034,000
Characters: 732,199

That's a total of 9,764,199. About 24k for this week. I really need to get back to selling mats

Silver Hand:

Mentalbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 358
Lavabrit (120) - Draenei/Shaman - iLvL 345
Insanebrit (111) - Human/Priest

Crazybrit (111) - Gnome/Hunter 
Battybrit (110) - Human/Hunter
Loopybrit (110) - Human/Death Knight
Derangedbrit (101) - Human/Rogue
Looneybrit (91) - Human/Warrior 
Madbrit (73) - Human/Monk 
Lunaticbrit (63) - Human/Mage 
Dementedbrit (63) - Human/Paladin 
Maniacbrit (56) - Night Elf/Druid
Bonkersbrit (44) - Void Elf/Warlock


Lockybrit (120) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 360
Voidbrit (120) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 347
Huntingbrit (113) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Beastybrit (110) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Trappybrit (110) - Blood Elf/Hunter

Nbornebrit (105) - Nightborne/Warlock
Priestybrit (101) - Undead/Priest
Shammybrit (101) - Orc/Shaman 
Elfybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Priest
Mageybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Mage
Combatbrit (101) - Blood Elf/Rogue

Pallybrit (102) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin


Felbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 351
Draenybrit (120) - Draenei/Hunter - iLvL 344
Voidbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 350
Shammybrit (112) - Draenei/Shaman
Priestybrit (111) - Human/Priest
Demonbrit (103) - Night Elf/Demon Hunter
Stabbybrit (107) - Gnome/Rogue
Beastybrit (80) - Human/Hunter
Elfyvoidbrit (75) - Void Elf/Warlock
Frostybrit (35) - Human/Mage
Lightbrit (39) - Lightforged Draenei/Paladin


Flictionbrit (116) - Gnome/Warlock
Flayingbrit (110) - Human/Priest
Draenybrit (110) - Draenei/Shaman
Gnomeybrit (110) - Gnome/Priest
Fengsuibrit (110) - Pandaren/Hunter
Unstablebrit (110) - Human/Warlock
Blizzybrit (101) - Draenei/Mage
Boomybrit (105) - Night Elf/Druid 
Pallybrit (101) - Human/Paladin
Bamboodbrit (101) - Pandaren/Priest

Echo Isles:

Shaolinbrit (101) - Pandaren/Monk
Slealthybrit (107) - Pandaren/Rogue

That's it for this week, more leveling next week, and I hope I remember to sell some mats :)


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