Monday, February 11, 2019

Into Draenor!!


Yeah, I'm talking about Nbornebrit. If you've forgotten, I've decided for fun to do cooking, herbing, mining, and fishing on her in all expansions. Well, she's not done with fishing in all the expansions before Draenor, but I'll finish them when I get her higher level. But she did get cooking, herbing, and mining, all done in Pandaria lately. She did Way of the Wok to get there. Now she's doing stuff in Draenor, Cooking in her garrison:

Cooking in Draenor
She's now level 94 after only doing a little bit of Frostfire Ridge. I guess I'll take her to Gorgrond soon.

I did level Looneybrit some more too. She got to 81 this week, and is now in Mount Hyjal.

What else? Well, all the mats she gathered in all the expansions have spent some time on the AH. Some have sold and some haven't, but it's brought in quite a bit of gold. I also funneled all the BFA mats on Ghostlands to Elfybrit for the AH. So, we mad a lot of gold on Ghostlands this week. I haven't bothered on Silver Hand or Garrosh though. They are still accumulating, with my 120s continuing with missions, and getting more War Resources when they drop below 200.

Silver Hand: Base - 500K x 4, 2K x 2. Battybrit: 52,491
Ghostlands: Base: 500K x 7, 2K x 4. Elfybrit: 139,545
Garrosh: Base: 500K x 2, 2K x 4. Priestybrit 313,761
Draenor + EI: Base: 500K x 7, 2K x 4. Pallybrit: 74,896

Overall Base: 10 Million + 28K => 10,028,000
Characters: 580,693

That's a total of 10,608,693. That's about 54K this week. Good stuff.

Silver Hand:

Mentalbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 349
Lavabrit (120) - Draenei/Shaman - iLvL 334
Insanebrit (111) - Human/Priest

Crazybrit (111) - Gnome/Hunter 
Battybrit (110) - Human/Hunter
Loopybrit (110) - Human/Death Knight
Derangedbrit (101) - Human/Rogue
Looneybrit (81) - Human/Warrior 
Madbrit (64) - Human/Monk 
Lunaticbrit (63) - Human/Mage 
Dementedbrit (63) - Human/Paladin 
Maniacbrit (53) - Night Elf/Druid
Bonkersbrit (36) - Void Elf/Warlock


Lockybrit (120) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 353
Voidbrit (120) - Blood Elf/Warlock - iLvL 333
Huntingbrit (113) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Beastybrit (110) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Trappybrit (110) - Blood Elf/Hunter
Priestybrit (101) - Undead/Priest
Shammybrit (101) - Orc/Shaman 
Elfybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Priest
Mageybrit (101) - Blood Elf/Mage
Combatbrit (101) - Blood Elf/Rogue

Pallybrit (101) - 
Blood Elf/Paladin
Nbornebrit (90) - Nightborne/Warlock


Felbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 342
Draenybrit (120) - Draenei/Hunter - iLvL 331
Voidbrit (120) - Human/Warlock - iLvL 337
Shammybrit (112) - Draenei/Shaman
Priestybrit (111) - Human/Priest
Demonbrit (103) - Night Elf/Demon Hunter
Stabbybrit (107) - Gnome/Rogue
Beastybrit (78) - Human/Hunter
Elfyvoidbrit (70) - Void Elf/Warlock
Frostybrit (35) - Human/Mage
Lightbrit (39) - Lightforged Draenei/Paladin


Flayingbrit (110) - Human/Priest
Draenybrit (110) - Draenei/Shaman
Gnomeybrit (110) - Gnome/Priest
Flictionbrit (111) - Gnome/Warlock
Fengsuibrit (110) - Pandaren/Hunter
Unstablebrit (110) - Human/Warlock
Blizzybrit (101) - Draenei/Mage
Boomybrit (101) - Night Elf/Druid 
Pallybrit (101) - Human/Paladin
Bamboodbrit (101) - Pandaren/Priest

Echo Isles:

Shaolinbrit (101) - Pandaren/Monk
Slealthybrit (103) - Pandaren/Rogue

That's it for this week. More leveling (I might get on Bonkersbrit or some others too) next week and selling of mats.


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